SIM – Fast Time Simulation

Fast-time simulation reimagined.

Vianair SIM is the next generation fast-time simulation platform. It enables automated simulation scenario set-up based on past data. This allows the user to very quickly and easily set up and evaluate various operational scenarios: modeling of runway closures, use of end-around taxiways, and airport expansion projects. Once scenarios are created, the user can obtain performance metrics on airport throughput, delays (runway, taxiway, apron, airspace), taxi times, fuel burn and emissions.

Automated scenario building

Set up simulation scenarios in minutes. 

Departure metering, taxi- runway closures, what-if scenario analysis and…

pre-tactical operational manager coming soon!

Seamless integration with operational data from Vianair PLUS

Enabling seamless comparisons and instant identification of operational benefits

Easy to use!

It typically is the case with FTS platforms that it takes a couple of months to build an airport model, then another month to develop demand scenarios… 

With Vianair SIM the software works for you, rather than the other way around. And you can develop and run an analysis in a single day, spending time on evaluating the operational assumptions, rather than in trying to build a model.

For airport authorities

For the Planning Department

Automated simulation set-up from past schedule data. What-if scenario analysis for planning maintenance & airport expansion projects.

For the Operations Department

Surface & airspace performance analysis. Maximum capacity using existing infrastructure. Optimal use of airspace.

For the Environmental Department

Environmental assessment studies & future assessment of airport environmental requirements.